Home Automation

May 7, 2021

Solar-Powered IoT project: Firmware flash

Let’s get some ESPHome firmware flashed on to your ESP32 solar-powered IoT project! I’ll show you the basics of building the base firmware to get it attached to your WiFi network, some tips and tricks for working with mDNS across subnets, and leave you with a working OTA-managable solar-powered sensor! Code...

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April 27, 2021

Solar powered ESP32 IoT sensor

In this video, we built a solar-powered, 18650 battery-backed ESP32-powered sensor, sitting in a compact 3D printed housing. This is using a temperature, humidity and barometric pressure sensor, known as the BME280, which runs on the i2c bus. Additionally, we’re using a TP4056 charge controller, the updated version with low-voltage protection!

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